Preventative Dentistry

Exceptional Preventative Dentistry Services

Preventative dentistry focuses on maintaining healthy teeth and gums, aimed at reducing the need for dental restorations throughout your life. Good oral health involves regular prophylaxis (dental cleanings) by your hygienist as well as your own daily care. Dr. Christian strongly recommends that patients brush their teeth twice daily, floss once a day, and limit their sugary drinks and snack intake.

Dental Cleanings (Prophylaxis)

When done by a dental hygienist, prophylaxis involves cleaning your teeth to remove tartar, plaque, calculus, and stains. It is followed up with a polishing process needed to smooth the teeth to reduce rough spots that may attract bacteria.


Lady Smiling During Dental Cleaning — Bristol, TN — McMillin & Christian Family Dentistry

Dental sealants, thin plastic coatings applied to the back teeth' chewing surfaces protect these teeth from tooth decay. Since most tooth decay in children and teens occurs on these surfaces, sealants protect the chewing surfaces by keeping germs and food particles out of the grooves in these teeth.

Dental Cleanings (Prophylaxis)

When done by a dental hygienist, prophylaxis involves cleaning your teeth to remove tartar, plaque, calculus, and stains. It is followed up with a polishing process needed to smooth the teeth to reduce rough spots that may attract bacteria.


Dental sealants, thin plastic coatings applied to the back teeth' chewing surfaces protect these teeth from tooth decay. Since most tooth decay in children and teens occurs on these surfaces, sealants protect the chewing surfaces by keeping germs and food particles out of the grooves in these teeth.

Lady Smiling During Dental Cleaning — Bristol, TN — McMillin & Christian Family Dentistry
Preventative Dentistry — Bristol, TN — McMillin & Christian Family Dentistry
Dental Sealants — Bristol, TN — McMillin & Christian Family Dentistry

Nutritional Counseling

Good oral health is directly related to a good diet and nutrition. Dr. Christian and his staff can discuss your diet with you to identify possible foods and liquids that may be harmful to your oral health. 

Keep your mouth healthy. Contact our office today at 423-968-1933 to schedule your preventative dentistry appointment.

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